Fractions can be one of the most challenging mathematical concepts for students to grasp. Mastering them is essential, not just for academic success but for everyday problem-solving and decision-making.
This collection of 26 hands-on fraction activities transforms abstract numerical concepts into tangible, engaging experiences that students can see, touch, and understand.
From pizza-inspired math games to creative art projects that teach equivalence, these activities make learning fractions an adventure rather than a chore.
By incorporating real-world objects, movement, and play, these engaging exercises help students develop a deep, intuitive understanding of how fractions work.
Each activity has been chosen for its ability to engage different learning styles and to encourage active participation.
1. Building Fractions with Clay

Provide clay in various colors and a set of fraction cards (e.g., 1/2, 1/4, 1/3). Guide the learner to shape the clay into a whole circle, rectangle, or other forms, and then divide it into parts based on the fraction card.
Learn more: I Know It
2. Sticky Notes Fraction

Draw a large shape like a circle, square, or rectangle on a piece of paper or board, representing a “whole.” Divide the shape into equal parts corresponding to the fractions, and have the learner place the sticky notes on the correct sections.
For added variety, use multiple shapes to represent different wholes or combine fractions to make a whole.
Learn more: Smitten with First Blog
3. Fraction Hopscotch

Use chalk to draw a hopscotch grid on the ground or create one indoors using tape. Label each square with fractions, such as 1/2, 1/4, or 3/4. Provide the learner with fraction problems, like “Hop to 1/2” or “Combine fractions to make a whole.” The learner hops to the correct square or sequence of squares to match the answer.
Learn more: Resourceaholic
4. DIY Pizza Fractions

Create a pizza box from paper cardboard, then draw a large circle to represent the pizza inside. Divide the pizza into equal sections (e.g., 6 slices for 6/6, 5 slices for 5/6 pepperoni). On the cover of the pizza box, include instructions like “6/6 Cheese” or “5/6 Pepperoni” to show how many slices have specific toppings.
Learn more: Pinterest/Jessica S
5. DIY Fraction Flowers

Start by cutting a paper plate into equal sections, such as halves, thirds, or fourths, to represent different fractions. Color or decorate each section in a unique color or pattern
Learn more: Teach Beside Me
6. Learning Fractions at Lunch

Learning Fractions at Lunch is a practical activity that turns mealtime into an educational experience. Use food items like sandwiches, pizzas, fruits, or crackers to demonstrate fractions.
Learn more: Kids Activities Blog
7. Fraction Cookies

Roll out cookie dough and use a circular cookie cutter to form round cookie shapes. Once the dough is cut, use a knife or smaller cutters to divide the cookies into equal parts, such as halves, thirds, or quarters.
Learn more: Teach Beside Me
8. Using an Apple to Explain Fractions

Using an apple to explain fractions is a visual and interactive way to introduce the concept of division. Start by using a red paper plate as the “apple” and divide it into sections by drawing lines, such as halves, quarters, or eighths, to represent fractional parts.
Learn more: Crafty Kids At Home
9. Pumpkin Pie Fractions

Pumpkin Pie Fractions is a fun activity that visually demonstrates fractions using a paper plate as a pumpkin pie. Prepare a paper plate and divide it into sections.
Learn more: Creative Family Fun
10. Fraction with Connect 4

Fraction with Connect 4 is a creative twist on the classic game, helping learners practice fractions while playing. Modify the game by assigning fractions to the Connect 4 discs (e.g., 1/4, 1/2, 1/3) and using them to represent parts of a whole. Players take turns dropping a disc into the grid, aiming to align fractions that add up to 1 whole.
Learn more: No Time for Flash Cards
11. Visualizing Math Concepts with Lego

Using Lego bricks to visualize fractions is one of the effective ways to teach the concept of parts and wholes. Select Lego bricks of the same size and color to represent a whole unit, such as a stack of four bricks for 1.
This activity allows learners to build and deconstruct fractions, reinforcing concepts like equivalence, addition, and subtraction of fractions in an engaging, fun way.
Learn more: 123 Homeschool 4me
12. The Apple Fraction Book

The apple spinner features various fractions, and children can use it to explore different fractional parts in a fun way. This activity is suitable for a range of ages, serving as both a fraction learning tool and a counting exercise.
Learn more: Teach Beside Me
13. 3D Cake Slices for Fraction Learning

3D Cake Slices for Fraction Learning is an engaging craft that makes understanding fractions tangible. Start by cutting cardboard into triangular shapes to represent cake slices. Assemble these slices into a 3D circular “cake,” ensuring the pieces fit together to form a whole.
Learn more: Pinterest/Giusi Mastronzo
14. Fraction Frenzy Board Game

Players move along the board by rolling dice or drawing cards with fraction problems on them. To move forward, they must solve the fraction problem correctly. Include challenge spaces where players can combine fractions to form a whole or answer word problems involving fractions.
Learn more: Teach Starter
15. Exploring Fractions with Watermelon

Exploring Fractions with Watermelon is a creative activity using a cardboard watermelon model to teach fractions. Cut a large cardboard circle and decorate it to resemble a watermelon, complete with a green rind and red interior with black “seeds.”
Learn more: Happy Tot Shelf
16. Fractions with Fruit Slices

Fractions with Fruit Slices is an engaging way to teach fractions using labeled representations of fruit. Draw or print images of fruits like oranges, apples, or strawberry, and divide them into equal slices. Label each slice with its corresponding fraction, such as 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4.
Learn more: Lizs Early Learning Spot
17. Fraction Rainbows

Arrange the strips in a rainbow shape, layering them to create a vibrant, visual representation of fractions. Label each strip with its corresponding fraction and discuss how the different strips represent parts of a whole.
Learn more: Amy Lemons
18. Fractions BINGO Game

Prepare calling cards with fraction images or fraction problems that correspond to the fractions on the BINGO cards. As you call out the fraction or display a fraction image, players mark the matching fraction on their cards. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal shouts “BINGO!” and wins.
Learn more: School Time Snippets
19. Pumpkin Pie Fraction Clip Cards

Include multiple choice answers or fraction problems on each card. Learners use clothespins or clips to mark the correct answer by clipping them onto the right fraction or solution.
Learn more: Look Were Learning
20. DIY Fraction Flowers

DIY Fraction Shape Flower is an engaging activity that explores fractions creatively. Begin by preparing a flower center and several petals. Inside each petal, include shapes such as circles, squares, or triangles, divided into halves (1/2). Learners can observe how each petal represents a fraction of its shape and compare it with other petals.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
21. Folding Card Craft

Folding Fraction Craft Cards are a creative way to explore fractions through hands-on learning. Start by preparing rectangular or square cards that can be folded into equal parts, such as halves, thirds, or quarters. Label each section with the corresponding fraction as the card is folded.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
22. Equivalent Fractions Spoons Game

The Equivalent Fractions Spoons Game is a lively activity that helps learners recognize and match equivalent fractions. To set up, prepare cards with fractions and ensure multiple equivalent fractions are included. P
Learn more: Games 4 Gains
23. Adding Fractions Bump Game

Adding Fractions Bump Game is a classroom favorite that combines strategy and math practice. To play, prepare a game board with spaces labeled with fraction sums. Players use two dice, each representing fractions, and calculate the sum of the fractions rolled
Learn more: Games 4 Gains
24. DIY Fraction Hats

DIY Fraction Hats are a fun and visual way to teach and explore fractions. Start by creating paper bands to fit around the learners’ heads as hat bases. Attach a circular or rectangular “fraction display” on the front of each hat, divided into equal parts to represent fractions.
Learn more: Amy Lemons
25. Fraction Sorting

Sorting Correct and Incorrect Fractions is a hands-on activity that helps learners identify and categorize fractions based on their accuracy. Prepare cards with fraction representations, including both correct fractions (e.g., 1/2, 3/4) and incorrect ones (e.g., 3/2 labeled as 3/4 or mismatched visual models). Provide two sorting containers or areas, labeled “Correct Fractions” and “Incorrect Fractions.”
Learn more: Amy Lemons
26. Flip Book Fraction

Flip Book Fraction is a creative tool to help learners visualize and understand fractions. Begin with a printable paper shaped like an orange or lemon for the cover, decorated to resemble the fruit.
Learn more: Classe Grimaces